Photo Credit: Beverly A Lund
Use this section to find volunteer opportunities in Douglas County. Add or find your next volunteer opportunity today!
637 Locust St, Oakland, OR 97462, United States
Fridays and/ or Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm
We need more volunteers at the library. The most needed hours are Fridays and Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Please contact the library for more information.
Spark your passion by supporting others in maintaining their dignity, quality of life, and assuring their needs are being met. Guardian Partners trains local, dedicated community members w […]
United States
Umpqua Woofstock has many events from spring to fall and is always in need of volunteers to further our mission to support and celebrate pets by providing positive experiences, educational […]
Stewart Park Roseburg, Roseburg, Oregon 97471, United States
March 16th, 2024. Setup time starts at 8 am and event cleanup ends at 6 pm. With plenty of shifts and tasks in between.
You are invited to participate in the inaugural Shamrock Quest as a volunteer. Wear your preferred green attire and join us in fulfilling different volunteer positions. You can assist parti […]
Roseburg, Oregon, United States
Seeking donations at Sherm's Thunderbird (2553 NW Stewart Pkwy, Roseburg, OR 97471); of perishable and non-perishable food items helping providing students a complete Thanksgiving dinner wh […]
231 NE Division St, Myrtle Creek, Oregon 97457, United States
Pending additional volunteers we may be able to expand our hours. Currently we are only open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
Are you an avid reader, a community-minded individual, or looking to give back to your local community? The Friends of Myrtle Creek Library is seeking dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers […]
After the catastrophic Archie Creek wildfire in 2020, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers (PUR) implemented a large stream restoration project in R […]
Varies- ongoing
Online Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteers needed for a variety of help supporting Community Website Partnership's mission to strengthen rural communities by bringing people together through technology. We could use your […]