Fill Out The Form
It’s easy! Enter the details about the project you’d like to share.
Team Review
Our team will go over your submission. If the project is approved, we will edit any spelling or punctuation mistakes we find. We may also reach out to you via email for further information.
View It!
Stay tuned – if approved, the project will go up on the website and you will receive a confirmation email. Don’t forget to share the post on social media like Facebook or Twitter.
Submit Your Project
Fill Out The Form
It’s easy! Enter the details about the project you’d like to share.
Team Review
Our team will go over your submission. If the project is approved, we will edit any spelling or punctuation mistakes we find. We may also reach out to you via email for further information.
View It!
Stay tuned – if approved, the project will go up on the website and you will receive a confirmation email. Don’t forget to share the post on social media like Facebook or Twitter.
Before submitting a project, please create a directory listing or volunteer opportunity if applicable.