Over the last few months at Thundering Water, our campaign consultants have been meeting with tier-one potential donors to gather their insights on Thundering Water and its campaign to create a revolutionary recreation park in Roseburg. We want this park to be built for the community, by the community and designed to empower the community to make positive lifestyle changes. Based on the feedback we received we are focusing on building our leadership, building our community partnerships, developing our strategy and funding, and planning for our future growth.
We are excited about the enthusiasm that was shared for our mission. We now know that our next steps should also be focused on not only the above items but also on serving community members and existing organizations while gathering their feedback before the park is built. This way we can thoroughly understand how to build a health and wellness recreation park tailored to suit our unique community.
Thundering Water is planned to be built in two phases. Phase one will include the pump track. Phase two will include the remaining park features. We tentatively plan on employing two administrative staff, and four park aid staff, and contracting with multiple existing local agencies to integrate services.
If you would like to learn more you can catch us at the Douglas County Fairgrounds during the Family Wellness Wonderland event on December 17th from 10 am to 3 pm where we will be teaming up with Stone Age Concrete Games and providing some healthy and delicious treats and a lot of fun. Come say hi and meet the team!
Thundering Water
1813 W Harvard Ave. Suite 448 Roseburg, Oregon 97471
Program Director Heidi Marks 541-680-8833 hmarks@thunderingwater.org